Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The GUY who was???

I used to know a guy who used to live life on his own terms.He had his own strange principles.A guy with a clean conscience.He had his own morals and values in life instilled in him by his parents,teachers and some like-minded friends.

He believed in giving each relationship the required space,maintaining the dignity of everyone around him and never mixed relationships.
He had his own dreams,his own world of hopes and wishes which he did not share with anyone...

He was very friendly and frank with the people who were close to him but very reserved for strangers.

One of the most level-headed person I had ever come across.

He could do anything to help his friends.A patient listener,A brilliant conversationalist.

He could convince people pretty well and could make anyone around him feel comfortable.

He literally proved the quote true -
"I'm the kind of guy with no secrets,yet I'm trusted to keep everyone else's."

He truly was!!!!!!!!!

He knew many many many secrets about many people and he always kept them to himself.[He still does :) ]

There were those secret-sharers who had become strangers for him [Some had even become back-biters],but he never ever broke the trust they "HAD" put in him.

He never kept any personal grudges towards anyone.

He had his own rules for life which were quite contrary to the thinking of the friends in his circle;But that never changed him.

I silently used to observe him and I was quite happy that he never tried to change,thinking he was the "odd-one-out".

I always thought he'll never change.

This was true till he entered his college..................................................!!

A whole new world was around him.He was a very introvert guy but he somehow managed to join some of the people he already knew since his school days[Fortunately,he had some of his acquaintances around,with whom he "THOUGHT" he'll be very HAPPY...Obviously,he was proved wrong.]

He tried to gel with all of them.Inspite of being very uncomfortable he pretended to be comfortable....

This couldn't last long.

He was a very different kind of a person & no matter how much he tried he couldn't overcome her basic nature.

He HAD TO CHANGE,not because of them but because of his own good.Afterall,he had to be with those people for 5 nd a half years....

He had to pretend every moment at college.He was no longer "the most helpful person" I had ever come across.He bluntly refused for any help.

He had become rude towards everyone.

He had lost some of his best friends and this made him doubt everyone's friendship.

People who had promised to be with him forever were no longer with him & the worst part was he did not even know why had they become so apart.

There were some other people with whom he was forced to part ways.

He was no longer friends with the people to whom he used to talk for hours together,share the most stupid talks,have silly conversations and still wanting to talk more.His friends who taught him how to dream and how to be hopeful & optimistic,who made him adore music,who made him love life and the one who taught him how to love-All of them & many more had all left him to face the world alone.....
Some moments no one could ever bring back,some relationships he could not recreate.....There were friends whose absence mattered so much that the presence of the entire world hardly made any difference.He missed all those wonderful times when he was with the people he loved to be with.

He was not the most talkative guy any longer,'cause he had no one to listen to.

The people with whom he shared everything were not with him and he couldn't accept new people in his life.

He wanted to hold on to the memories;The new people he had come across could not make him feel even half the way his old friends did.

He couldn't get along well with them,even though he tried her best.

It was not that he did not like them or he hated them.

It was perhaps that the people did not like him,may be because he was an introvert or because he was DIFFERENT!

His so-called college friends used to enjoy partying,watching movies and had a great time whenever they were together.

However,his presence never mattered to them.
His opinions and his thoughts were never considered.

This had hurt him a lot and he was compelled to change.
People used to tell him to move on,but they had not been in his place;They hadn't perhaps gone through what he was going through.

He felt extremely low and side-tracked.

There were some others who used to leave no stones unturned to insult him.

Moreover,he's no longer friends with me also....

It's not that I left him or people left him;He himself let those people go.

And I'm quite sure,he's happier and her life must be much more peaceful now.I surely do miss him,but somewhere may be I had also taken him for granted and I could not stand by him and live upto his minor expectations....

I miss being myself.....

But am also happy with wat I am now....... With a few very good frnds.....

Still I wish I could get to be the real myself....

[Don't let your friends leave you.Hold onto them,'cause you might miss them once they are gone,like I do...!!!!]

My heartfelt thanx to my dear frnd Disha who made me write this.....


Where thoughts are Word$ said...

I could relate to each & every word of this post !! :)

Loved it trulyyyyyyy!!


Ash D said...

Hmm, strangely change is in-evitable. As you grow as you explore, things change around you and you have to change to it. What you change into is in your hands, good or bad!

Dr.Kumar said...

Thanx Ash D for stoppin by my blog......
yeah u r absolutely rt......

Unknown said...

actually this is part of every persons life. I think they should come out of it boldly lik u and not crib about the past. many things to come. but trust the frnds u have.

Dr.Kumar said...

Yeah Thanx Aishu......
I trust the very few frnds i've now......

Arun Kumar said...

Never knew this part of your life da...
Change is inevitable and hope its for the best...

Adisha said...

that's a heartfelt, true to the core post... change is the only constant and what is left after each experience is what is what we are made up of !!! :D Happy Living !!!

Dr.Kumar said...

Thanx for stopping by my blog Adisha........

Anonymous said...

I wud say that true friendship never break up... It is not like a glass...

One or the other day, the sweet memories will bring the bond back between the friends... sometimes, we shall try to pull that day to reach us soon...

Hope u get that day soon...

Phoenix said...

A great post.... loved the last few lines especially!!!

"It's not that I left him or people left him;He himself let those people go."

"I miss being myself....."

"Still I wish I could get to be the real myself....

[Don't let your friends leave you.Hold onto them,'cause you might miss them once they are gone,like I do...!!!!]"

These lines make me think about my friends whom i miss these days!!!

Dr.Kumar said...

Hi Rajus, amy be v may re unite someday but am happy with wat i am now......
This change is inevitable.....

Dr.Kumar said...

Thanx Prethi for the comment.....