Friday, October 29, 2010

The Untold Love

Just another day in my useless life,
A pleasant sunday morning,
Was walking through the same street wer i saw her first,
The day wen i was struck by her beauty,
I decided to open up my heart today,
Watever happens am telling her today, "U r the queen of my heart"

I see her at a distance,
I slipped well may be her beauty made the floor slippery,
My heartrate surges as she nears me,
I am confident i'll tel her today,
She comes near me,
I open my mouth but only air comes out,
She passes me,
I keep on walking,
The end of an untold love story......


vaishnavi jai said...

it looks like thr s a mystery gal in ur life...waitin for d cat to jump out one day ;)

Anonymous said...

Stephen oh Stephen
This ,your therapist will get a chuckle out of all I copied ,ha ha

You Keep on pushing that mind of yours
one day sweetie ,you will be rich and famous ,you will be remembered !!

just think sweetie ,you be able to afford ,your new love ,without mommy ,supporting you both ,
Or just maybe ,your mommy could high your new love as her new maid ,and she will fit right in with all that are care takers of her yard

you little devil you ,this fame in creation is so rewarding and touching ,How you spend wasting Time to create such Rewarding Fame for me ,Wow!! you are amazing man ,now writing a novel ,how do you find the time

have a nice life aaron,anwii,awniii40,Rob,calkid,oh silly me ,I forget ,you have many user names and male or female ,just so convincing ,you make all look like pretty little Idiots

isn't life perfect ,I think so

today is great ,you look so stupid aaron ,as you just don't hold the facts about nothing smiling